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What is a Reinforced Tyre?

Reinforced tyres, also known as XL tyres, are a more durable tyre made to withstand heavier loads. Don’t be misled, XL tyres are no bigger than standard tyres in size, XL commonly means ‘extra load’.

How do reinforced tyres work? 

Reinforced tyres are manufactured with extra-strength materials so the tyre can withstand heavier pressures. All tyres contain beading, however, reinforced tyres have additional beading to make them more durable and less susceptible to stress when carrying extra loads.

Benefits of reinforced tyres: 

Reinforced tyres are an ideal choice for heavy vehicles, anyone who carries substantial loads or significant additional weight regularly, or for vans/trucks that carry goods. The pros of reinforced tyres for these circumstances outweigh any cons: 

  • Can carry heavier loads without stress or strain 
  • Better durability when driving long distances or at high speed
  • Longer lasting than standard tyres 
  • Better traction and handling due to their increased grip
  • Better performance in harsh weather conditions

So, why aren’t all vehicles fitted with reinforced tyres as standard? 

  • As great as reinforced tyres are for those that need them, like everything, they do have their disadvantages. If a car does not need to carry additional weight, standard tyres provide a more comfortable and smooth drive. For their high durability, reinforced tyres require a more rigid surface area, meaning the comfort element is often removed from the driving experience. 
  • Less of a comfortable and smooth journey 
  • Higher fuel consumption 
  • More expensive than standard tyres 
  • Louder than standard tyres by 1db

How to tell if you need to use reinforced tyres: 

Many people who drive heavy loads will notice their tyre pressure dropping quickly. This is due to the use of standard tyres that can’t take the pressure of the additional weight. Reinforced tyres allow drivers to carry extra loads without putting strain on the tyre. 

At etyres we recommend you check your vehicle’s current tyre labels to see if it is fitted with reinforced tyres or standard. All tyres will display a code that tells how much weight the tyre should carry, if you exceed this weight it will damage the tyre and lead to a quicker loss of pressure. Reinforced tyres will be marked with ‘REINFORCED’ or ‘XL’. If this is the case and you need to replace a tyre, you’ll need to do so with another reinforced tyre to ensure all four tyres are consistent. 

To summarise, reinforced tyres are often found on vans, larger vehicles and SUVs due to the heavier weight of the vehicle in comparison to smaller passenger cars. If you drive one of these vehicles or often carry extra loads in your vehicle, you may want to consider using reinforced tyres. 

It is required by law to use reinforced tyres on some heavy vehicles and even some sports cars due to the higher traction and stability they provide. Ensure that you’re using reinforced tyres if this is the case otherwise you could risk your insurance being void.  

We have an extensive collection of reinforced tyres and specialised 4×4 tyres and van tyres available online at etyres. Look out for the ‘XL’ label in the tyre specification to find reinforced tyres for your vehicle. 

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